Wednesday, July 19, 2017

The Apartment ... and Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone ...

Housekeeping and renovation news ...

Former president of the 'Bambino Gesù' foundation, Giuseppe Profiti and former treasurer, Massimo Spina, are charged with illicitly using money to renovate an apartment belonging to Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, the former Vatican secretary of state. They stand accused of paying over 422.000 euros of hospital funds to Gianantonio Bandera, owner of the Castelli Re construction company. - Vatican Radio



  1. Wow ... that picture is a marvel to ponder but well ... nvm. ;)

    1. It's an old photo and I have no idea of the circumstances - but it cracks me up.

    2. If you look at the guy behind Bertone they appear to be looking at something else, perhaps a screen or something?

    3. Well it looks old and amusing since it conjures up all kinds of possible/impossible mischievous speculations I dare not say.

      Unlike others, I am no insider gracias a Dios. ;)


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